Athletics Parent Handbook
Athletic Department
The purpose of this handbook is to provide a guide for Northbrook School District 27 parents and students regarding policies, procedures and responsibilities related to interscholastic sports. A major goal of the interscholastic athletic program is to involve as many student athletes as possible in an educationally sound and successful manner.
Chris Schneider currently serves as the Athletic Director for Wood Oaks Jr. High. A major responsibility of the Athletic Director is to assist all coaches in the implementation of athletic programs and to provide students with the finest athletic program possible. Should you have any questions regarding general athletic program policies or procedures please contact Mr. Schneider at 272-1900, ext. 5543 or
The entire athletic program must work within the framework of the overall school program. No program can be successful without the cooperation and support of the community we serve. We hope that you find this information useful as you and your child begin your experience at Wood Oaks. Best of luck in all your athletic endeavors.
Important Phone Numbers
Wood Oaks: 847-272-1900
Wood Oaks Fax: 847-480-4834
Chris Schneider, Athletic Director: 847-272-1900 ext. 5543
Cari Beake, Principal: 847-272-1900 ext. 5530
Paul Suminski, Assistant Principal: 847-272-1900 ext. 5533
Objectives of the Athletic Program
- To provide students with the opportunity to develop and enhance their individual athletic abilities and talents.
- To provide students with the opportunity to learn and demonstrate characteristics of good sportsmanship as a means to becoming a good citizen.
- To provide students with the opportunity to learn skills and strategies that extend beyond their regular District 27 physical education curriculum.
- To provide students with the opportunity to experience the importance and value of working as a member of a team.
- To provide students with the opportunity to engage in competitive activities.
- To provide students with the opportunity to experience self-discipline, determination, and sacrifice as a means of achieving a goal.
- To provide students with the opportunity to experience a feeling of self-worth and to develop self-confidence through athletic participation.
Guidelines for Spectators at Wood Oaks Athletic Events
We are asking for your support as parents/guardians (or any spectator that is supporting Wood Oaks at our athletic events) in providing positive role-modeling for our student-athletes.
The involvement of our students in athletics and activities contributes to the development of their values system. Trustworthiness, citizenship, caring, fairness and respect are lifetime values that are taught through interscholastic activities and are principles of good sportsmanship and character. With these principles, the spirit of competition thrives, fueled by honest rivalry, courteous relations and grateful acceptance of the results.
The following are our expectations for all of our athletic spectators:
- Understand the purpose of educational athletics. School sports are about students learning and having fun.
- Accept all decisions of officials.
- Applaud during the introduction of players, coaches and officials.
- Make your cheers supportive and not instructions as to how to play.
- Be a positive role model through your own actions.
- Remain calm and composed during games. The athletes already place pressure on themselves.
- Profanity, degrading remarks, and intimidating actions directed at officials or competitors will not be tolerated and are grounds for removal from the event site.
Thank you for your cooperation in the promotion of good sportsmanship!
Athletic Policies and Procedures
- Parent Consent and Concussion Information Fact Sheet
- Physical Examinations
- Extra-Curricular Attendance
- Extra-Curricular Academic Suspension Policy
- Appropriate Behavior
- Playing Time
- Practice/Game Student Pick-up
- Activity Bus
- Appropriate Attire
- Try-out Procedures
- Uniforms
Parent Consent and Concussion Information Fact Sheet
Physical Examinations
Extra-Curricular Attendance
Extra-Curricular Academic Suspension Policy
Appropriate Behavior
Playing Time
Practice/Game Student Pick-up
Activity Bus
Appropriate Attire
Try-out Procedures
Sportsmanship Pledge
The Wood Oaks community believes that sportsmanship is very important. We ask all players, coaches and fans to commit themselves to a healthy competition and good sportsmanship.
We will always play hard, but our play will be safe, clean, and fair.
- We may be outscored, but we will never be outclassed.
- We will support our team while never degrading our opponent.
- Our opponent will be treated with courtesy, dignity, and respect.
- We will always appreciate a great play, no matter who makes it.
- We will always extend a hand and an encouraging word.
When we win we will celebrate without boasting and if we lose it will be without excuses.