Wood Oaks News

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Volleyball Tryouts

Any boy interested in trying out for the volleyball team at their grade level should make sure they have a current physical on file in the nurse's office along with submitted permission to participate and concussion forms signed by a parent or guardian. These forms can be found on our Wood Oaks Athletic page. Students need all of these before they are allowed to try out for any Wood Oaks athletic team. Physicals can be dropped off or emailed to Nurse Weeks. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Schneider. Tryout dates are as follows:

6th Grade Boys Volleyball

  • Thursday, January 30th–3:40-4:30 in the small gym
  • Monday, February 3rd–3:40-4:30 in the small gym
  • Coach Ciss (the one who teaches at Wood Oaks) is the 6th grade boys coach

7th Grade Boys Volleyball

  • Monday, February 3rd–3:40–5:00 in the big gym
  • Tuesday, February 4th–3:40-5:00 in the big gym
  • Coach Ciss (the one who does NOT teach at Wood Oaks) is the 7th grade coach

8th Grade Boys Volleyball

  • Wednesday, January 29th–3:40-5:00 in the big gym
  • Thursday, January 30th–3:40-5:00 in the big gym
  • 8th grade coach–TBD