School Newsletters

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Wood Oaks Newsletter: Happy Thanksgiving & Food Drive

Happy Thanksgiving

We would like to wish all our Wildcat families a safe and restful Thanksgiving break, November 27 - 29. School will resume on December 2. Our next newsletter will be on December 6, 2024. 

Wildcats Care -  Food Drive

Please help support our student efforts to support the Northfield Food Pantry and the Legacy Pantry (started by one of our own Wood Oaks students!) by donating canned foods and non-perishable items. Homeroom classes will be collecting items through November 26. Suggested items to donate are canned fruit (100% juice preferred), canned beans, canned tuna, spaghetti, Spanish rice, and canned soup.

Second Quarter - Mid Quarter

December 3 is the midpoint for our second quarter. Parents and guardians of students with a grade lower than a C will receive an email with details and/or suggestions for extra support from the course teacher. As a reminder, parents always have access to grades through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. Our teachers are available through email to answer any questions you may have regarding student progress at any time. 

Lost & Found - Final Day Monday

Please help us clear our lost and found. All items have been placed in our main hallway for students to find their long lost hoodies and water bottles. If parents would like to check the lost and found, that can be done after school any day of the week. All items will be bagged for donation on Monday evening. 

Yearbook Ordering

There is still time to order your yearbook. Wood Oaks 2024-2025 yearbooks can be ordered now from Treering. Go to and use our school password: 1016748434624230 Only students who have a pre-ordered yearbook will receive one at the end of the school year. Order now and create your custom pages anytime before March 27.