School Newsletters

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Wood Oaks Newsletter: December 6, 2024

Choral Festival

Please join us on Wednesday, December 11 for our District Choral Festival. Students in the Wood Oak chorus, as well as the Shabonee chorus, will be performing at 6:30 PM in our small gym. All are welcome to come. 

D225/GBN Transition Webinar Series

District 225 has scheduled a series of webinars to assist with the transition to GBN. The second webinar is on Wednesday, December 11, at 6 p.m. Ryan Bertag, Director of Teaching and Learning, and Laura Cummings, Director of Student Supports, will be presenting “Navigating the Course Guide”. This will focus on courses offered in the Glenbrooks and how to navigate their Course Guide. Here is more information about the full District 225 webinar series with Zoom links. 

Northbrook United: Music For Warmth

We are collecting new and gently used coats, boots, and accessories (sizes 0-3 months through Adult medium) from now until December 13 at all District 27 schools. Items will be donated to Cradles to Crayons. To thank our community for your generous support, join us for a free Community Orchestra Concert featuring talented students from Wood Oaks, Maple, and Northbrook Junior High. Mark your calendars for Friday, December 13 at 6:30 PM at Northbrook Junior High.