School Newsletters
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Students will participate in the second administration of the Social Academic and Emotional Behavior Rating Scale (SAEBRS) next week. This universal tool focuses on the following areas:
- Social (Arguing, Temper Outbursts, Disruptive Behavior)
- Emotional (Sadness, Anxiety, Withdrawal, Lack of Resilience)
- Academic (Academic Engagement, Production of Acceptable Work, Preparedness).
If a screening shows that a student would benefit from additional support, parents will be contacted and collaborate with the school team to problem-solve and determine the next steps.
Thank you for your support and assistance in ensuring each of our students has the opportunity to achieve academic and social-emotional success. If you ever need to report a concern regarding a student, parents are urged to call the school or report information through the “Report Inappropriate Behavior” link on the Wood Oaks website. We are here to help and support all Wood Oaks students.
PTA Wellness Fair - Student Volunteer Opportunities!
Calling all Wildcats! The Mental Health & Wellness Fair has some great volunteer opportunities! We are looking for Wood Oaks students to join us at the wellness fair on Saturday, February 22nd at Wood Oaks. All student volunteer opportunities would be from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM on that Saturday. Here are the volunteer opportunities:
- 1-2 volunteers to supervise the Hickory Point booth. They will be creating signs of affirmation.
- 1-2 volunteers to supervise the Shabonee booth. They will be creating kindness rocks.
- 2 volunteers to run a Wood Oaks affirmation bracelet making booth.
- 2 volunteers to run a face painting station. This opportunity is only open to 8th graders**
This is a great opportunity for some community service volunteer work, while also interacting with fellow District 27 students and community members. Students will earn special ROAR spirit points for their homerooms by volunteering to assist with the Fair! If you would like to sign up your student please fill in this Google form.
Parent-Teacher Conferences in February
Parent-teacher conferences will take place on February 12 & 13 ONLINE. The conference system, Meet The Teacher, is now open until February 7 to sign up for conferences. Information about how to sign up for a conference with your child’s teachers was emailed to parents. If you did not receive an email or have questions, please contact the Wood Oaks office. You will receive a reminder email with links to your online conferences on February 12. Parent-teacher conferences are just one of the opportunities to talk about progress and parents are welcome and encouraged to reach out to their child’s teacher(s) at any time during the school year. It’s truly through our collaborative efforts that our students achieve success.